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Asana Sofia


🧠 The Cope Dealer 

A human, being.


The Cope Dealer is my passion project. It is my way of expressing my perception of the world through the eyes and mouth of my human life. In my experience, life can feel very difficult at times and our coping skills are our survival tools to combat the world's most notorious killer -stress.

No one person has this human life 100% figured out, but collectively, we all have the answers. Sharing our stories can be frightening but every single one of us has a story that is necessary for human existence. 


The Cope Dealer's mission is to share the story of one human and to connect with other humans and collaboratively create the space and platform necessary to encourage others to transcend fears and find love in their life's stories.


Some of my topics are pretty simple and sometimes vague, others are esoteric and only few will connect with these posts. These are topics most can relate to and things most of you have been through. Read my content with an open mind, connect to what resonates and let go of what doesn't. You may discover what fuels your life as you read.


I hope you enjoy my brains contents,

I look forward to our connections 



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