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Does Any Of This Really Even Matter?

To a monk, I could only assume that none of this would really matter. When you begin to realize that everything we need is already within us, how much of what’s external really matters? I could only assume that it doesn’t —none of it. Everything we could possibly need to understand about the world around around us, and our place and purpose in it, is already within us therefore we are armed with mastery and this is nothing outside of us that must be obtained to accomplish all that we need. It is just a matter of remembering or connecting to this belief and power within that allows us to transcend beyond our conditioned self to be of service to others and living a balance, joyful life.

I question this still, as it’s a new belief for me that I am still expanding and opening myself up to. It makes me question myself and why I go out into the word in attempt to help others in the manner I do. The way I see it is this; if I have the belief that everything I personally need is within me, then, I must behave and educate or mirror this belief in a way that causes others to look within themselves. I would assume the only way to do this is by being silent, not reacting in a verbal or physical manner, not giving advice, continuously looking inward myself and basically live the life of a monk.

This idea can be best understood in the show New Girl, where Nick Miller meets this Asian guy named Transformation. Nick will have really pressing problems that he goes to Tran with and Tran never speaks back to Nick, he is completely silent during his scenes on the show. Every time Nick goes to Tran with his problems, he thinks he gets “an answer” from him that makes him feel better and gives him confidence in solving whatever issue he is having at the time. Nick expresses this by thanking him for solving his problems before ending a scene with Tran. The joke is that nick isn’t (or maybe he is) aware that Tran isn’t actually solving his problems for him, rather, he’s giving Nick the space to self-reflect and to look Within for the answers. Because if we are consciously listening to another person, aren’t we basically just matter or space in that moment? We are not conscious when someone is telling us something and we are thinking of how to respond or if we are thinking we have all the right answers.

The reality is that none of us “have all the answers,” because no two people have the exact same problem, ever. You have to dig deep to come to this realization I think, or at least, I had to for my own person. No two people have the same problem because no two people have experienced the same life. When your experiences are different, you see the world differently, and when you see the world differently from someone else, that someone else can’t begin to understand you because they have not experienced what you have been through. In other words, you, the person who is reading this blog (props to you for maintaining focus for this long) will never understand me the way I can understand myself because you have not experienced what I have and vice versa. You may have endured similar experiences as myself but you have never had the same experiences as me in totality.

I question this also because from a higher perspective, if all we are is “Star matter with a purpose that we made the choice to pursue and set ourselves up for,” then the fundamentals,and purpose for us all are the same but the experience is different. If my beliefs are valid, then fundamentally, we saw our place here in this world we humans call “earth,” we developed purpose, then we transcended to the world we are in today with the purpose to create a higher vibrational world and to teach or be a mentor or love in a way that aligns with our true purpose. Yet, we are different because of the experience we chose to transcend into.

So basically, what I’m getting at is, I have this constant battle in my head on whether I should become a monk or not. This is a serious question, but also not. 😂 The “free world” or so we call it, isn’t as free as it is tempting and sometimes I wonder if the only way to not be tempted is to not live in it. I use to think this meant suicide, now I understand that I’m never stuck in one place or position and the relief I thought I’d get from death is the same relief I could find here on “earth” if I connect with my higher self and find an environment that is best for my beliefs and my person. I guess the monk environment seems appealing and useful to my higher self when I look at things in that way. However, right now I am choosing to figure out how to do this in a balanced way in the society I live in.

If you’ve made it this far, I thank you for connecting with me on a deeper level, but at this point I’m becoming less and less conscious to this post and more aware of the 2 loads of laundry I just took out of the dryer that, most definitely, is going to wrinkle if I don’t fold them and hang them up soon!

🖤 The Cope Dealer



Nashua, NH, USA


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